Length of Course:
15 hours
*Complete on your own time*
(must be completed within 60days of registration)
This program is approved by the Charlotte Mecklenburg District Attorneys office. This course educates first time drug offenders on the negative outcomes of drug and alcohol use. Participants will identify probable causes of drug abuse, peer pressure and societal standards. In addition to, learning how to make future positive choices and utilizing effective coping strategies.
Who Should Attend:
First time drug offenders charged with misdemeanor drug/paraphernalia possession and some alcohol/tobacco related charges who qualify for the Drug Education Program.
(Clients currently on probation are not eligible).
Course Objectives:
To successfully complete the Drug Education Program
To obtain a dismissal upon completion
To avoid a criminal drug conviction
To maintain a clean record
This course will utilize lecture, practical learning tools, evidence-based techniques, video presentation, group activities and writing exercises.